National bioethics committee

The National Bioethics Committee
The National Bioethics Committee shall operate in a transparent and accountable manner at the national level as an independent formal body, to provide expertise, guidance and oversight on ethical matters related to medicine, biomedical research, and public health. The roles, functions, and responsibilities to inform discussion on establishing and operating an effective model within the UAE. Furthermore, the NBC will advise policymakers and the government on bioethical matters of importance to the nation and ensure compliance for adopting the best ethical practices for clinical and biomedical research in the UAE.
Monitoring and Compliance and certifying IRB/HREC
The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP) will introduce a national certification and evaluation framework for the Human Research Ethics Committee (HRECs) or Institutional Review Board Committee (IRBs) through the National Center for Health Research (NCHR). The framework aims to effectively implement and comply with the National Guidelines for (HRECs) or (IRBs) and the National Framework for regulating health research ethics in the UAE.