MOHAP hosting Workshop on Building Health Research Capacity and Establishing Centres for Health Research Excellence

The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) has organised a workshop to develop a plan for establishing health research centres of excellence across the country. The event brought together representatives from health and government entities, academic institutions, and experts from Monash University in Australia.

The workshop aimed to leverage the capabilities and expertise of stakeholders and strategic partners to develop effective initiatives that will enhance the performance of health research nationwide, in line with the Ministry’s strategic vision for health research launched in 2021.

Sustainable Health Research Eco-System

The workshop, inaugurated by H.E. Abdullah Ahmed Ahli, Acting Assistant Undersecretary for the Support Services Sector, is part of a series of initiatives and activities organised by the National Centre for Health Research. Its goal is to develop capabilities and build a sustainable national ecosystem for health research that is flexible, aligned with the UAE government's visions and directions, and adheres to the highest international standards and practices.

Enhancing competitiveness

H.E. Dr. Mohammed Salim Al Olama, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health and Prevention, stressed that the Ministry is committed to developing a sustainable, world-class health research ecosystem through a series of strategies and projects aimed at accelerating the growth of the health research sector in the UAE, utilising the best-unified policies and methodologies tailored to meet national needs.

“In collaboration with local and international strategic partners, the Ministry aims to enhance research coordination mechanisms by establishing centres of excellence. These research hubs are strategic investments in the future of public health, strengthening our competitive edge and building a resilient health ecosystem. They will play a key role in addressing future health challenges, driven by the outcomes of national health research," Al Olama said.

Developing innovative solutions

For his part, H.E. Abdullah Ahli stated that the workshop is yet another significant step towards establishing health research centres of excellence and building sustainable cooperation among the country’s relevant authorities. The workshop also provided a valuable opportunity for experts and specialists to share ideas and suggestions on how to best coordinate efforts to develop national skills and capabilities in health research. It focused not only on fostering collaboration and integration between institutions but also on improving health services through research and innovation.

Integration of Research Ecosystem

Meanwhile, Dr. Khalil Qayed, Director of the National Centre for Health Research at the Ministry, emphasised that the Centre is developing a strategy to establish centres of excellence in health research focusing on diverse research priorities in the UAE. “This initiative aims to leverage national research resources and capabilities to build an integrated research ecosystem that improves the quality of healthcare in the UAE.”

Health Research Excellence 

Dr. Qayed added that the workshop provided a valuable opportunity to share knowledge and experiences about establishing centres of excellence. “These centres are structured around core objectives: improving healthcare through informed decision-making, fostering innovations to solve ongoing and emergent health challenges, and building research expertise through targeted training programmes for researchers and healthcare professionals in advanced technologies and methods.”

This article was published on Wednesday, 23 October 2024